Football Education Courses for November 2022

Please see below a list of upcoming coach education courses in football on our autumn programme courses.

In order to secure/book your place you must register for the course on the GAA Learning portal . I have attached guidelines on how you do this.

Galway Football courses:

“One Day” Introduction to Gaelic Games: (Foundation Course)

Date : Saturday November 12th (1 session)
Venue: Galway GAA Training Centre in Loughgeorge.
Time: 9.30am to 4pm
The booking link for this course is directly below

PayPal enrolment – €20

“3-Evenings” Introduction to Gaelic Games: (Foundation Course)

Date: Monday 7th , 14th and 21st Novemeber (You must attend the 3 sessions)
Venue : Scoil Sailearna Indreábhain
Time: 7pm to 9m

The booking link for this course is directly below

PayPal enrolment – €20

Award 1 Youth / Adult coaching course

This will be offered to participants who have completed a foundation award / Introduction to Gaelic games coaching course previously. It is recommended that the entry course was completed at least six months prior to sitting the award 1 . The course dates are as follows commencing with blended online nights Oct 17/24th , Nov 1st , with Nov 7th scheduled in for the face-to-face practical part of the course . All nights need to be attended with a start time of 7pm – 10pm on all 4 nights, in order to achieve course certification . A Microsoft teams link will be sent to all course participants once booked so as they can access course tutoring. Again x30 places offered on a first come basis.

Galway Award 1 Youth/Adult Football =

PayPal enrolment – €50
